The K Fi Running Club is gearing up for the Dirty 30 trail run race on June 1. We got together as a team last week to prepare with a run up and over Bear Peak.
The K Financial team took a break from busy season this week to celebrate our 10 year anniversary with long-time friends of the firm and alumni.
The K Fi Team and K Fi Foundation hosted our first breakfast event of 2013 at the Spot in Denver. We brought 70 breakfast burritos to serve our hungry clientele, as well as many items from the Urban Peak’s wish list: towels, wash cloths, socks, underwear, deodorant, chapstick, K Financial water […]
The K Fi Foundation hosted a fun Christmas party today at the Kidney Center in Children’s Hospital. We helped the kids build some delicious creations during their dialysis treatment. The Foundation also provided 15 dvds and xbox games from the Kidney Center’s wish list to help the kids pass the time.
The K Financial Foundation sponsored another successful event at The Spot. We served up our regular menu of breakfast burritos, fruit and juice. We also delivered 10 bags of supplies to The Spot from their wishlist, including hoodies, socks, chapstick, deodorant, toothbrushes and lotion and we provided a gift certificate for […]
The K Financial team hosted a Halloween craft and pizza party today with 32 incredible artists from Roundup Fellowship (and their counselors). Roundup Fellowship is an organization that serves people with developmental disabilities. The amazing people we spent the afternoon with are adults with varying levels of disabilities who are part […]
The AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center has published a useful document to provide Center members with a general understanding of the tax and compliance requirements for 401(k) plans that are subject to the reporting requirements under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). As we approach the […]
The K Financial Foundation hosted another great event at the Urban Peak this morning. We are now officially known as the Burrito Guys. Daniel picked up 50 breakfast burritos at Santiagos and we also brought in loads of bananas, apples, granola bars, juice and other goodies. The Foundation also purchased all […]
Earlier this week the K Financial team took 10 awesome kids from Mount Saint Vincent Home to watch the Rockies get pummeled by St. Louis. Before the game we had a pizza party with the kids at Old Chicago. They were very excited to have sodas for dinner (which normally is […]
Our fearless 14er expert, Lonny Leinweber, led the K Fi team on its 2nd annual 14er extravaganza. Lonny chose Mt Quandry for our July 3, 2012 hike. His research indicated that the “standard” route was rather dull, so he took us on the more exciting route up Quandry, which included some […]