The K Financial team hosted another successful breakfast at Urban Peak’s drop in center yesterday. We served 100 breakfast burritos, dozens of bananas, hundreds of oranges, apples, granola bars and juice. We also donated several bags full of items from Urban Peak’s wish list, including deodorant, sun screen and underwear. Just […]
The effective date of the new revenue recognition standard has been delayed, but it is still approaching fast. The following white paper includes practical considerations related to implementation of the new standard: Revenue Recognition 7.9
Lana and Marty with a fine looking sombreroThe K Fi Foundation and K Fi Team threw a Cinco de Mayo party today with one of our favorite groups – Roundup Fellowship. A big thanks to our new Community Service Event Coordinator, Heather, for organizing the party. We kicked things off today […]
The K Fi team enjoyed another successful community service event yesterday. We started the event at Wal Mart, where we purchased (through the K Financial Foundation) 3 cart loads of buckets, sponges, toilet brushes, and other cleaning supplies. Although it was fun shopping with the team (especially Lonny and Daniel’s pillow […]
The K Fi Running Club celebrated Earth Day this afternoon with a lunch-time trot. We are getting ready for one of our favorite team events on May 30 – the Dirty 30 trail run.
This is a series of posts on how the COSO framework impacts service organizations, particularly those that receive SOC reports. COSO Framework for Service Organizations and SOC Reporting (Part 1 of 3) COSO blog post 2 of 3 COSO blog post 3 of 3
The K Fi Team checked out early today to enjoy a frosty beverage at LuLu’s and celebrate another successful busy season.
The K Fi team and K Fi Foundation hosted another successful breakfast at Urban Peak earlier this week. We served 125 breakfast burritos, hundreds of apples and oranges and granola bars to hungry kids. Nice work team!
The K Fi Team was snowed out of our scheduled Urban Peak breakfast last week, so we did a drive-by this week and dropped off 20 pairs of winter boots and boxes of hand warmers (donated by the K Fi Foundation). We also dropped off dozens of apples, oranges and juice […]
The K Financial Running club took advantage of client closures for President’s Day and some fresh snow to hold our first beer mile event, which was a roaring success. After setting up the course and staging our beverages, the beer mile started promptly at 4:04 PM, which is universally regarded in […]