On February 16, the K Financial team spent the morning at one of our favorite “Spots” for community service events – The Spot in downtown Denver. The Spot is an outreach center for homeless youth. The K Fi Foundation contributed a variety of supplies and breakfast items for this event. We dropped off 5 bags of goodness from the Spot’s wishlist, including blankets, long underwear, chap stick and t-shirts. We also served up 50 Santiago’s breakfast burritos, juice and tons of apples, oranges and bananas. We always meet some interesting and lively characters at these events. One very large young lady asked if we had a hefty bag that she could use. We located the bag for her, thinking that maybe she was going to help clean up around the Spot or otherwise put the bag to good use. But instead she started loading up all of the fruit and other items that we brought. It appeared that she was going to try to sell these items because she needed to know some specific information about them, such as what kind of apples we had brought and where they were from. Luckily our friend Amy at the Spot talked the large young woman out of loading up her hefty bag so we had enough goodies for everyone.