Our fearless 14er expert, Lonny Leinweber, led the K Fi team on its 2nd annual 14er extravaganza. Lonny chose Mt Quandry for our July 3, 2012 hike. His research indicated that the “standard” route was rather dull, so he took us on the more exciting route up Quandry, which included some serious rock scrambling and climbing. Similar to last year’s expedition up La Plata Peak, Lonny led us off course for the first 2 hours. (Next year I will be sure to mention to him that we are headed the wrong way if we start the hike going downhill.)

Right before we hit the summit, we had to climb up and over 3 towers. This was the most technical / funnest part of the day by far.

Thanks for organizing another excellent hike Leinweber!!