Like every other firm, K fi likes to say that “we work hard AND play hard”. But sometimes it is important to step back and make sure that we are really doing this. At our firm, we do a pretty good job at the first part of the equation – working hard. But are we playing hard enough too? I like to think that we are. And one of the most rewarding ways to do this, I believe, is to play hard with your co-workers, clients and other business associates. I took the time to do this a few weeks ago with my 2 very good friends and business colleagues, Mark and Mark. The Marks and I have worked together for about the past 20 years and have had many hard days in the office and just as many fun days out of the office together. We planned a bike ride this summer known as the Copper Triangle. It is about an 80 mile road ride starting at Copper Mountain and passing through Leadville, Minturn and Vail before returning to Copper Mountain. The route takes you over 3 mountain passes with a fair amount of climbing. The Marks and I had a blast on the ride and then spent the night at Keystone to celebrate our accomplishment and rehydrate. That’s playing hard! This is the type of play that K fi encourages and thrives on. As CPAs, we are required to take 40 hours of continuing professional education (CPE) per year and this enables us to stay sharp and on top of our game professionally. I think it is equally as important as professionals to play hard…often (40 hours a year does not quite cut it). The K fi team has climbed a few mountains together (and will surely do more 14ers in the future), run trail races together and skied together. This is a critical part of our culture and is one of the things that keeps us happy and motivated. Play hard team!