What You Need To Know About SSAE 18 Reports

It’s no secret that data is incredibly valuable and data centers with subpar internal controls make it easy for cybercriminals to steal sensitive information. For businesses that rely on third parties to handle and store their data as well as client data, it is essential to receive assurances that the organization […]

What is a SOC Audit and Why is it Important?

What is a SOC Audit and Why is it Important

Today more than ever, companies rely on service providers to streamline day-to-day operations and ensure continued functionality. This is evident through the emergence of cloud computing, data centers, and software-as-a-service (SaaS) organizations. However, with the ease and convenience of these outsourced tasks comes some degree of inherent risk.   A key differentiator […]

Kfi Project at There With Care

The Kfi team had a blast at There With Care (TWC) yesterday.  TWC provides a wide range of thoughtful and fundamental services to families and children during the critical phase of a medical crisis.  Our project yesterday included packing 30 “care bags” full of cleaning supplies, funded by the Kfi Foundation.  […]

Painting Event!

The Kfi Team and Kfi Foundation hosted an amazing event today.  We brought an art instructor to a local assisted living center and set up a painting workshop for 20 of the residents.  Dean became the painting apprentice for a very spunky 103 year old woman.  And one of the ladies […]